Can i create widget like this, i want use existing out box features widget?
You could create that as an SVG and then use the SCADA widget to display it. You would need to put the colouring conditions into the SVG.
Here you can find some documentation how to build an SVG for the SCADA widget: Cloud Fieldbus - Cumulocity IoT Guides
I need solution with existing widget, i dont want write any coding. Is it possible?
You can find the widget library built-in to the cockpit product here: Cockpit - Cumulocity IoT Guides
There are also some widgets in our open-source repository that you could add to cockpit: Software AG · GitHub
There isn’t a widget that matches exactly what you shared here in my opinion but feel free to browse thorugh the libraries. Maybe there are widgets that come close enough and a valid options for you.
If not the fastest no-code way is SCADA widget (I wouldn’t call creating an SVG “coding”).
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