API to get/put Data retention rules of sub-tenants

Product/components used and version/fix level:

Cumulocity IoT 2024.9 (and prior versions)

Detailed explanation of the problem:

According to documentation, if a tenant was created with a tenant policy for data retention, the retention period is copied from the parent tenant to the newly-created child-tenant.

The child-tenant now has an “editable:false” data-retention rule defined which has been copied from the parent.
It’s not clear how to edit/delete such a restricted retention rule after this step.

According to OpenAPI specification ( putRetentionRule), editable:false retention rules “can be updated only by the Management tenant”.
However, I can’t find documentation which describes how the Management tenant can update such a retention rule (or any retention rule) of a child-tenant.

→ Which API can be used in Management-tenant context to read/update data retention rules of child-tenants?