API Endpoint to query/poll live event data of device/all device

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I want to display real time event with Backend integration to rest based grid widget where i can get all fields that my device is sending to managed object.

i would like to know which exact endpoint to use along with the query expression

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REST based grid widget supports any External REST APIs. If you are looking for realtime events then you can try “Event List” widget or customize the widget based on your needs. For more info cumulocity-rest-based-grid-widget/README.md at main · Cumulocity-IoT/cumulocity-rest-based-grid-widget · GitHub

yes i know that but event list is not fully capable of functionalities such as filters and search

so in this case which component should i use if rest base grid does not allow me to use Rest API

do you have tutorial to buid streaming endpoint quickly with deployment

My requirement is to rapidly have functionality for searching and filtering records with real time streaming events.
Rest based widget is one of the way to achieve it but sadly as responded ,I am not able to hookup existing Cumulocity endpoint to it for quickly binding the data

Can you please share the screenshot of the configuration page of Rest based grid widget to get an idea of the configurations.

This is copied from sample.

As you can see, the URL is pointed to websocket endpoint exposed through the Rest Endpoint

kindly guide me here

You can use any external REST API to get data( I think absolute URL is required). In this sample, it is pointed to our external API gateway.
If you have external API which can give data that you like to display in Grid, then you can consider this widget.
However, this widget doesn’t have any Realtime/web socket implementation. You can raise feature request here

Rest based grid widget is available as open source, users are free to use, fork and modify them and contribute back to the community.

can i use this component to query internal apis for events?

I tried hooking up {url}//event/events ,though list is not getting populated

Also,how to configure secured endpoint since the widget has no option to feed in credentials

Using Rest based run time widget prompts authentication everytime i load the page

Its good idea to support APIs with option to configure credentials. At this moment this is not supported.

This component is not qualified to become runtime widget
it is not tested and deceptive .please remove it from supported list , most of the things are not not supported except demos

API endpoints are meant to be protected through authorization ,With lack of this design in mind,Restbased Grid widget
Hardly any developer would ‘Drag and Drop’ grid and see static data then!

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