EPL Syntax hilighting rules for various editors
The official editor for Software AG products, including Apama, is Software AG Designer, based on Eclipse.
To support users who prefer more traditional editors, Apama has published a github repository containing configuration files for the VIM and EMACS editors to provide syntax highlighting and support for EPL (Apama’s domain-specific language) outside of Designer. This is particularly useful for users of the community core release which is a lightweight installation containing just the correlator and not development tools such as Designer. These files can also be found in the utilities/ directory of your Apama installation. Instructions for installing these files can also be found in your installation and on the github.
- VIM syntax highlighting for Apama EPL - syntax highlighting rules for editing Apama EPL (.mon) files in the VIM editor.
- EMACS syntax highlighting for Apama EPL - syntax highlighting rules for editing Apama EPL (.mon) files in the EMACS editor.
Further instructions
For further instructions visit the repository at GitHub: apama-streaming-analytics-epl-syntax
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