Software AG Product Icons @ Diagrams as Code

Software AG Product Icons @ Diagrams as Code

We want to use the Software AG product icons in folder ./product-icons to draw network diagrams as (text) code with mingrammer. There are a lot of advantages to do this:

  • All icons has the same size.
  • You don’t need to layout the diagram.
  • The edges are automatically routed.
  • The diagram is automatically drawn.
  • You can save the code in VCS and have a history.
  • If the network (diagram) is changed, you can easily update the text (with a simple text editor).
  • You need only a text editor.

Here is the first demo diagram with a subset of icons:

To draw a network diagram with Software AG product icons, you must import the URLs to .png icon files.

  # Import Software AG icons, here is a subset ...
  # Adabas
  ada_url  = ""
  ada_icon = "Adabas-256x256.png.tmp"
  urlretrieve(ada_url, ada_icon)

  # Alphabet
  alphabet_url  = ""
  alphabet_icon = "Alfabet-256x256.png.tmp"
  urlretrieve(alphabet_url, alphabet_icon)

  # ARIS
  aris_url  = ""
  aris_icon = "ARIS-256x256.png.tmp"
  urlretrieve(aris_url, aris_icon)

  # Cumulocity IoT
  c8y_url  = ""
  c8y_icon = "Cumulocity_IoT-256x256.png.tmp"
  urlretrieve(c8y_url, c8y_icon)

  # Natural
  nat_url  = ""
  nat_icon = "Natural-256x256.png.tmp"
  urlretrieve(nat_url, nat_icon)
  # Software AG Cloud
  cloud_url  = ""
  cloud_icon = "Software_AG_Cloud-256x256.png.tmp"
  urlretrieve(cloud_url, cloud_icon)

  # API Control Plane
  apicp_url  = ""
  apicp_icon = "webMethods_API_Control_Plane-256x256.png.tmp"
  urlretrieve(apicp_url, apicp_icon)

  # API Gateway
  apigw_url  = ""
  apigw_icon = "webMethods_API_Gateway-256x256.png.tmp"
  urlretrieve(apigw_url, apigw_icon)

  # Developer Portal
  devpo_url  = ""
  devpo_icon = "webMethods_Developer_Portal-256x256.png.tmp"
  urlretrieve(devpo_url, devpo_icon)

  # EntireX
  exx_url  = ""
  exx_icon = "webMethods_EntireX-256x256.png.tmp"
  urlretrieve(exx_url, exx_icon)

  # Integration Server
  is_url  = ""
  is_icon = "webMethods_Integration_Server-256x256.png.tmp"
  urlretrieve(is_url, is_icon)

  # MFT
  mft_url  = ""
  mft_icon = "webMethods_MFT-256x256.png.tmp"
  urlretrieve(mft_url, mft_icon)

  # Microservices Runtime
  msr_url  = ""
  msr_icon = "webMethods_Microservices_Runtime-256x256.png.tmp"
  urlretrieve(msr_url, msr_icon)

  # Universal Messaging
  um_url  = ""
  um_icon = "webMethods_Universal_Messaging-256x256.png.tmp"
  urlretrieve(um_url, um_icon)
  # ... end of importing

Copy and paste above text to your diagram code. (The diagram generator downloads the icons and store them into local folder. You can delete the temporary *.tmp files.)

Now, we want to draw a diagram with API Gateway deployment in typical network environment with Green and Red zones. The Threat Protection (= API Gateway Standard Edition) is deployed in Red zone. mingrammer has many icons (Firewall, Load Balancers, Sub-Network, …) which we can use to increase the diagram.

Here is the diagram code. Additionally, we want to drill down in a API Gateway cluster deployment with Elasticsearch.


Hi @Thomas_Rupp ,

the icons you talk about are controlled by marketing and published as part of the DELITE effort. (URL: )
You find them at:

For use in office tools they are made available via EMPOWER tool.

I hope that helps, in case of questions, let me know.

Best regards,

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Hi Holm,
PPTs are not maintainable and not shareable with customers. Therefore, diagram as code can help to solve a lot of communication issues. Also, our customers are able to maintain and update their network diagrams.

GEAR used to have visio icons. it would be good to have these icons available as download.

You can use “git clone” or the GitHub link to download the files.

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Thanks; Yes that works. I miss good old GEAR 6’s visio template.

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