How multithreading works in C8Y

Hi All,

I have created a SDK microservices in that I have written cron job that cron job execute after 1 min of interval and after every one min interval It call two service parallelly. In my local its working fine but when I deployed it to C8Y both service are not getting called, very first time its call both services from second time its calling only one service.

below are the code snippet

Hi Chandra,

how do you confirm that only one of the services is run? To me it looks like both are executed both times (though in a different order):

2023-11-02 15:05:00.010 INFO 13 — [m3SchedulerThread-1] c.s.scheduler.AggregatorJobScheduler : M3 Cron Job :: Execution Time - 15:05:00
2023-11-02 15:05:00.010 INFO 13 — [m5SchedulerThread-1] c.s.scheduler.AggregatorJobScheduler : M5 Cron Job :: Execution Time - 15:05:00
2023-11-02 15:06:00.000 INFO 13 — [m5SchedulerThread-2] c.s.scheduler.AggregatorJobScheduler : M5 Cron Job :: Execution Time - 15:06:00
2023-11-02 15:06:00.001 INFO 13 — [m3SchedulerThread-2] c.s.scheduler.AggregatorJobScheduler : M3 Cron Job :: Execution Time - 15:06:00

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Thanks Harald …
Yeah both services are running

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