What product/components do you use and which version/fix level are you on?
Is your question related to the free trail, or to a production (customer) instance?
What are you trying to achieve? Please describe in detail.
I would like to discus with you the validity of having an IoT lab in the regional branches, knowing that it is very helpful, me myself, I came from a Fablab background, and now I found a lot of similarities, PoC designing, functionality testing, and a lot.
Please find the attached presentation i have created about the fablab.
from my perspective an IoT lab makes a lot of sense. I am located in Leipzig (Germany), this offices will be redesigned and we proposed a small place for a IoT lab. We have already a bit of hardware for demos. Of course this lab will not be a maker zone as your slides show, but at least a place where hardware is stored and a place where things like routers, small robot arms, PLCs, raspberryPis etc. can be connected and used for PoCs. There is also a workbench and hopefully enough room for keep such setups for longer time. I am not sure about Düsseldorf Cumulocity office. Also the new hybrid model makes such labs even more essential.
I really appreciate your reply,
As you stated, because of the good number of PoC we deliver, (region dependent), we need a place to store, work, and design(make) things.