I am receiving this error while reading the data from CSV file
Error on line 70 of monitor opencsv: IndexOutOfBoundsException - Out of bounds index passed to sequence operator
Added monitor opencsv
2018-07-23 16:56:56.556 INFO [34684] - Injected MonitorScript from file C:\Users\Raj Vasa\workspace102\opencsv\monitors\opencsv.mon (77bc5e1483f284ccfa6786de85cc95b5), size 2236 bytes, compile time 0.01 seconds
2018-07-23 16:56:56.557 INFO [8328] - Receiver ADBC DataService (00000290AE079230) removed subscriptions to [com.apama.adbc.service]
2018-07-23 16:56:56.557 ERROR [9872] - Error on line 70 of monitor opencsv: IndexOutOfBoundsException - Out of bounds index passed to sequence operator - C:\Users\Raj Vasa\workspace102\opencsv\monitors\opencsv.mon
2018-07-23 16:56:56.559 ERROR [9872] - opencsv [6] Stack dump:
2018-07-23 16:56:56.559 ERROR [9872] - opencsv.onload() C:\Users\Raj Vasa\workspace102\opencsv\monitors\opencsv.mon:70
2018-07-23 16:56:56.559 ERROR [9872] - opencsv.::startupAction::() C:\Users\Raj Vasa\workspace102\opencsv\monitors\opencsv.mon:3
2018-07-23 16:56:56.560 INFO [16112] - Receiver ADBC DataService (00000290AE079230) (component ID 13339258347027300352/14478586537719037952) disconnected cleanly: Other party requested disconnection
2018-07-23 16:56:56.564 INFO [8328] - Sender Apama Designer (00000290AD4ABAB0) (component ID 13339258347027300352/14478585438207213568) disconnected cleanly: Other party requested disconnection
2018-07-23 16:56:56.566 INFO [16112] - Sender ADBC DataService (00000290AD4AAA30) (component ID 13339258347027300352/14478586537719037952) disconnected cleanly: Other party requested disconnection
2018-07-23 16:56:57.059 INFO [37084] - Sender Apama Designer (00000290AE3A7200) (component ID 13339258347027300352/14478589020210921472) connected from
2018-07-23 16:56:57.063 INFO [37084] - Sender iaf for opencsv(opencsv:FileAdapter1) (iaf -p 16903 FileAdapter1.xml) (00000290AE3A48C0) (component ID 6581519482262429953/6581800957239140609) connected from
2018-07-23 16:56:57.074 INFO [37084] - Receiver iaf for opencsv(opencsv:FileAdapter1) (iaf -p 16903 FileAdapter1.xml) (00000290AD7F5040) (component ID 6581519482262429953/6580956532309008641) connected from
2018-07-23 16:56:57.074 INFO [37084] - Receiver iaf for opencsv(opencsv:FileAdapter1) (iaf -p 16903 FileAdapter1.xml) (00000290AD7F5040) initially subscribed to [FILE]
2018-07-23 16:56:57.074 INFO [37084] - Blocking receiver iaf for opencsv(opencsv:FileAdapter1) (iaf -p 16903 FileAdapter1.xml) (00000290AD7F5040) will be blocked after 10.000000 seconds or 10240 kb if slow
2018-07-23 16:56:57.082 INFO [8328] - Sender Apama Designer (00000290AE3A7200) (component ID 13339258347027300352/14478589020210921472) disconnected cleanly: Other party requested disconnection
2018-07-23 16:56:57.321 INFO [37084] - Sender ADBC DataService (00000290AE3A4AD0) (component ID 13339258347027300352/14478590467615031296) connected from
2018-07-23 16:56:57.349 INFO [37084] - Receiver ADBC DataService (00000290AE079230) (component ID 13339258347027300352/14478590467615031296) connected from
2018-07-23 16:56:57.349 INFO [37084] - Receiver ADBC DataService (00000290AE079230) initially subscribed to
2018-07-23 16:56:57.349 INFO [37084] - Blocking receiver ADBC DataService (00000290AE079230) will be blocked after 10.000000 seconds or 10240 kb if slow
2018-07-23 16:56:57.351 INFO [16112] - Receiver ADBC DataService (00000290AE079230) unsubscribed from all channels
This is my monitor file code
monitor opencsv {
action onload() {
com.apama.file.OpenFileForReading openCSVFileRead :=
new com.apama.file.OpenFileForReading;
// matches transport in IAF config
openCSVFileRead.transportName := “JMultiFileTransport”;
// the request id to use
openCSVFileRead.requestId := 1;
// read using JCSVCodec
openCSVFileRead.codec := “JCSVCodec”;
// file to read
openCSVFileRead.filename := “C:/Users/Raj Vasa/Downloads/access log_timestamp_new.csv”;
// separator char is a “,”
openCSVFileRead.payload[“separator”] := “,”;
openCSVFileRead.payload[“excelCompatible”]:=“true” ;
// emit event to channel in config.
on com.apama.file.OpenFileForReading():openCSVFileRead
emit openCSVFileRead to “FILE”;
com.apama.file.OpenFileForReading openFileWeWantToRead :=
new com.apama.file.OpenFileForReading;
on com.apama.file.OpenFileForReading():openFileWeWantToRead
// populate the openFileWeWantToRead event
// …
// …
emit openFileWeWantToRead to “FILE”;
com.apama.file.FileError readError := new com.apama.file.FileError;
readError.transportName := "JMultiFileTransport";
readError.requestId := 1;
on com.apama.file.FileError():readError
emit readError to "FILE";
com.apama.file.FileHandle readHandle := new com.apama.file.FileHandle;
readHandle.transportName := "JMultiFileTransport";
readHandle.requestId := 1;
readHandle.sessionId := 3;
on com.apama.file.FileHandle():readHandle
emit readHandle to "FILE";
com.apama.file.ReadLines readLines := new com.apama.file.ReadLines;
readLines.transportName := "JMultiFileTransport";
readLines.numberOfLines := 1;
readLines.requestId := 1;
readLines.sessionId := 3;
on com.apama.file.ReadLines():readLines
emit readLines to "FILE";
com.apama.file.FileLine fileLine := new com.apama.file.FileLine;
fileLine.transportName := "JMultiFileTransport";
fileLine.requestId := 1;
fileLine.sessionId := 3;
string aid:= fileLine.data[0];
on com.apama.file.FileLine():fileLine
emit fileLine to "FILE";
Can you add log line to check the content if it is empty or null ex: log fileLine.toString();
I added logline
com.apama.file.FileLine fileLine := new com.apama.file.FileLine;
fileLine.transportName := “JMultiFileTransport”;
fileLine.requestId := 1;
fileLine.sessionId := 3;
]log fileLine.toString();
string aid:= fileLine.data[0];
on com.apama.file.FileLine():fileLine
emit fileLine to "FILE";
License file not present at C:\Users\Public\SoftwareAG\ApamaWork_10.1/license/ApamaServerLicense.xml
- Without a license file the correlator has the following restrictions:
- 1024MB memory, 4 threads, 5 persistent EPL monitors, 20 contexts,
- 5 query definitions with 5 instances of each, 50 query partitions, non-reliable JMS connections,
2018-07-26 10:20:24.871 CRIT [15268] - * no distributed memory store, and no Correlator Deployment Packages.
- no distributed memory store, and no Correlator Deployment Packages.
2018-07-26 10:20:24.871 CRIT [15268] - * Refer to the Apama license agreement and user documentation topic "Running Apama without
- Refer to the Apama license agreement and2018-07-26 10:20:24.872 CRIT [15268] - * a license file" for further information on the restrictions.
2018-07-26 10:20:24.872 CRIT [15268] - * The correlator may stop without warning if the memory limit is breached.
2018-07-26 10:20:24.873 CRIT [15268] - * If using Java features, you may need to use -J-Xmx256M to limit the JVM’s memory usage.
2018-07-26 10:20:24.873 CRIT [15268] - *************************************************************************
2018-07-26 10:20:24.873 ##### [15268] - Input value - pidfile =
2018-07-26 10:20:24.873 ##### [15268] - Input value - per receiver queue size = 10 s
2018-07-26 10:20:24.873 ##### [15268] - Input value - per receiver queue size = 10240 kb
2018-07-26 10:20:24.874 ##### [15268] - Input value - input queue size = 20000
2018-07-26 10:20:24.874 ##### [15268] - External clocking = disabled
2018-07-26 10:20:24.874 ##### [15268] - Input value - logfile = stdout
2018-07-26 10:20:24.874 ##### [15268] - Input value - loglevel = INFO
2018-07-26 10:20:24.874 ##### [15268] - Input value - inputLog = logs/defaultCorrelator_${START_TIME}_${ID}.input.log
2018-07-26 10:20:24.874 ##### [15268] - Compiler optimizations = enabled - the debugger cannot be used; specify command line option “-g” to use it.
2018-07-26 10:20:24.874 ##### [15268] - Using EPL runtime = interpreted
user documentation topic "Running Apama without
- a license file" for further information on the restrictions.
- The correlator may stop without warning if the memory limit is breached.
- If using Java features, you may need to use -J-Xmx256M to limit the JVM’s memory usage.
2018-07-26 10:20:24.887 ##### [15268] - Java support = enabled
2018-07-26 10:20:24.887 INFO [15268] - Starting JVM with options:
2018-07-26 10:20:24.887 INFO [15268] - -Djava.class.path=C:\SoftwareAG\Apama/lib/ap-correlator-extension-api.jar;C:\SoftwareAG\Apama/lib/ap-util.jar
2018-07-26 10:20:24.887 INFO [15268] - -DAPAMA_LOG_LEVEL=INFO
2018-07-26 10:20:24.887 INFO [15268] - -Xrs
2018-07-26 10:20:24.887 INFO [15268] - -DAPAMA_CORRELATOR_NAME=Apama Designer Correlator for opencsv(opencsv:defaultCorrelator)
2018-07-26 10:20:25.207 ##### [15268] - Java virtual machine created - Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_141-b15.
2018-07-26 10:20:25.420 INFO [15268:java] - Logging started
2018-07-26 10:20:25.426 INFO [15268:init] - Log4JLogger.initLoggingSystem() - Configured logging based on APAMA_LOG system properties.
2018-07-26 10:20:25.427 INFO [15268:init] - Log4JLogger.initLoggingSystem() - Default log level will be: INFO
2018-07-26 10:20:25.427 INFO [15268:init] -
2018-07-26 10:20:25.428 INFO [15268:init] - ================================================================================
2018-07-26 10:20:25.428 INFO [15268:init] - Java logging begins at: Jul 26, 2018 10:20:25 AM
2018-07-26 10:20:25.428 INFO [15268:init] - Apama Platform Version: (rel/10.1.0.x@325550)
2018-07-26 10:20:25.428 INFO [15268:init] - ================================================================================
2018-07-26 10:20:25.428 INFO [15268:init] -
2018-07-26 10:20:25.471 INFO [15268:init] - Java maximum heap size = 3618MB
2018-07-26 10:20:25.531 CRIT [15268] - JMon framework ready
2018-07-26 10:20:25.548 CRIT [15268] - Opening new input log: logs/defaultCorrelator_2018-07-26_10.20.24_001.input.log
2018-07-26 10:20:25.552 INFO [15268] - Will log queue size every 5.000000 seconds
2018-07-26 10:20:25.553 INFO [15268] - Starting scheduler with 4 threads (Without a license file the correlator is restricted)
2018-07-26 10:20:25.559 INFO [15268] - Server socket opened listening on
2018-07-26 10:20:25.560 ##### [15268] - Component ID: Apama Designer Correlator for opencsv(opencsv:defaultCorrelator) (correlator/6582530547208190982/6582530547208190982)
2018-07-26 10:20:25.560 ##### [15268] - Correlator, version, running
2018-07-26 10:20:26.174 INFO [21612] - Sender Apama Designer (runtime views) (0000029DD89E1310) (component ID 14767658753572405248/15489663277988773888) connected from
2018-07-26 10:20:26.322 INFO [21612] - Sender Apama Designer (0000029DD89DE9D0) (component ID 14767658753572405248/15489663561456680960) connected from
2018-07-26 10:20:26.375 INFO [21612] - Sender ADBC DataService (0000029DD89DF000) (component ID 14767658753572405248/15489663720370601984) connected from
2018-07-26 10:20:26.386 INFO [21612] - Sender Apama Designer (runtime views) (0000029DD89E1730) (component ID 14767658753572405248/15489663905054326784) connected from
2018-07-26 10:20:26.396 INFO [13572] - Sender Apama Designer (runtime views) (0000029DD89E1730) (component ID 14767658753572405248/15489663905054326784) disconnected cleanly: Other party requested disconnection
2018-07-26 10:20:26.411 INFO [21612] - Sender Dashboard Builder: Raj (0000029DD89E0EF0) (component ID 15211357213279911936/15489664158457462784) connected from
2018-07-26 10:20:26.427 INFO [21612] - Receiver ADBC DataService (0000029DD92D2040) (component ID 14767658753572405248/15489663720370601984) connected from
2018-07-26 10:20:26.427 INFO [21612] - Receiver ADBC DataService (0000029DD92D2040) initially subscribed to
2018-07-26 10:20:26.427 INFO [21612] - Blocking receiver ADBC DataService (0000029DD92D2040) will be blocked after 10.000000 seconds or 10240 kb if slow
2018-07-26 10:20:26.432 INFO [9264] - Receiver ADBC DataService (0000029DD92D2040) unsubscribed from all channels
2018-07-26 10:20:26.432 INFO [13572] - Receiver ADBC DataService (0000029DD92D2040) added subscriptions to []
2018-07-26 10:20:26.439 INFO [13572] - Receiver ADBC DataService (0000029DD92D2040) added subscriptions to [com.apama.adbc.service]
2018-07-26 10:20:26.443 INFO [21612] - Receiver Dashboard Builder: Raj (0000029DD92D3B60) (component ID 15211357213279911936/15489664158457462784) connected from
2018-07-26 10:20:26.443 INFO [21612] - Receiver Dashboard Builder: Raj (0000029DD92D3B60) initially subscribed to
2018-07-26 10:20:26.443 INFO [21612] - Blocking receiver Dashboard Builder: Raj (0000029DD92D3B60) will be blocked after 10.000000 seconds or 10240 kb if slow
2018-07-26 10:20:26.444 INFO [13572] - Receiver ADBC DataService (0000029DD92D2040) removed subscriptions to []
2018-07-26 10:20:26.445 INFO [13572] - Receiver Dashboard Builder: Raj (0000029DD92D3B60) unsubscribed from all channels
2018-07-26 10:20:26.446 INFO [13572] - Receiver ADBC DataService (0000029DD92D2040) removed subscriptions to [com.apama.adbc.service]
2018-07-26 10:20:26.446 INFO [13572] - Receiver Dashboard Builder: Raj (0000029DD92D3B60) added subscriptions to [com.apama.scenario]
2018-07-26 10:20:26.449 INFO [13572] - Receiver ADBC DataService (0000029DD92D2040) (component ID 14767658753572405248/15489663720370601984) disconnected cleanly: Other party requested disconnection
2018-07-26 10:20:26.450 INFO [9264] - Receiver Dashboard Builder: Raj (0000029DD92D3B60) added subscriptions to [com.apama.scenario.private_3235382260519272468_1532614826447]
2018-07-26 10:20:26.453 INFO [13572] - Sender ADBC DataService (0000029DD89DF000) (component ID 14767658753572405248/15489663720370601984) disconnected cleanly: Other party requested disconnection
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Added monitor com.apama.file.ParallelFileAdapterSupport
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.file.OpenFileForWritingToContext
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.file.OpenFileForReadingToContext
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.file.ServiceMonitorOnline
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.file.ServiceMonitorUnloaded
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.file.LineWritten
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.file.FileError
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.file.FileClosed
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.file.CloseFile
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.file.EndOfFile
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.file.NewFileOpened
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.file.ReadLines
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.file.FileLine
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.file.FileHandle
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.file.OpenFileForWriting
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.file.OpenFileForReading
2018-07-26 10:20:26.800 INFO [17248] - Injected MonitorScript from file C:\SoftwareAG\Apama\adapters\monitors\FileEvents.mon (40d750b131efa577b22168320a8d52fb), size 21019 bytes, compile time 0.03 seconds
2018-07-26 10:20:26.904 INFO [17248] - Added monitor com.apama.adapters.IAFStatusManager
2018-07-26 10:20:26.904 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.adapters.AdapterConnectionOpened
2018-07-26 10:20:26.904 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.adapters.AdapterConnectionClosed
2018-07-26 10:20:26.904 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.adapters.IAFStatusResponse_1
2018-07-26 10:20:26.905 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.adapters.IAFStatusRequest_1
2018-07-26 10:20:26.905 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.adapters.ConnectionOpened
2018-07-26 10:20:26.905 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.adapters.ConnectionClosed
2018-07-26 10:20:26.905 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.adapters.AdapterError
2018-07-26 10:20:26.905 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.adapters.AdapterUp
2018-07-26 10:20:26.905 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.adapters.AdapterStatusDeregister
2018-07-26 10:20:26.905 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.adapters.AdapterStatusRegister
2018-07-26 10:20:26.905 INFO [17248] - Injected MonitorScript from file C:\SoftwareAG\Apama\adapters\monitors\IAFStatusManager.mon (b5cb6809fd85eaf78e3ade7ad765e458), size 35018 bytes, compile time 0.10 seconds
2018-07-26 10:20:26.953 INFO [17248] - Added monitor com.apama.statusreport.ParallelStatusSupport
2018-07-26 10:20:26.953 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.statusreport.UnsubscribeStatusToContext
2018-07-26 10:20:26.953 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.statusreport.SubscribeStatusToContext
2018-07-26 10:20:26.953 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.statusreport.StatusError
2018-07-26 10:20:26.953 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.statusreport.Status
2018-07-26 10:20:26.953 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.statusreport.UnsubscribeStatus
2018-07-26 10:20:26.953 INFO [17248] - Added type com.apama.statusreport.SubscribeStatus
2018-07-26 10:20:26.954 INFO [17248] - Injected MonitorScript from file C:\SoftwareAG\Apama\monitors\StatusSupport.mon (e9d784f959fd7ff88986835364cfe349), size 12253 bytes, compile time 0.04 seconds
2018-07-26 10:20:26.989 INFO [17248] - Added monitor com.apama.file.FileStatusManager
2018-07-26 10:20:26.989 INFO [17248] - Injected MonitorScript from file C:\SoftwareAG\Apama\adapters\monitors\FileStatusManager.mon (006ba11e8b49dd98a2ae6dca28980040), size 14233 bytes, compile time 0.03 seconds
2018-07-26 10:20:26.990 INFO [15756] - com.apama.file.FileStatusManager [4] Loaded FileStatusManager
2018-07-26 10:20:26.998 INFO [17248] - Added type FileLine
2018-07-26 10:20:26.998 INFO [17248] - Added type ReadLines
2018-07-26 10:20:26.998 INFO [17248] - Added type FileError
2018-07-26 10:20:26.998 INFO [17248] - Added type FileHandle
2018-07-26 10:20:26.998 INFO [17248] - Added type OpenFileForReading
2018-07-26 10:20:26.999 INFO [17248] - Injected MonitorScript from file C:\Users\Raj Vasa\workspace102\opencsv\eventdefinitions\OpenFileForReading.mon (add802e3cf6df0fdb1d8e9377bf42bf5), size 2245 bytes, compile time 0.01 seconds
2018-07-26 10:20:27.013 INFO [17248] - Added monitor opencsv
2018-07-26 10:20:27.013 INFO [17248] - Injected MonitorScript from file C:\Users\Raj Vasa\workspace102\opencsv\monitors\opencsv.mon (96685331d815956fce0af36217337cd1), size 2271 bytes, compile time 0.01 seconds
2018-07-26 10:20:27.013 CRIT [15756] - opencsv [6] com.apama.file.FileLine(“JMultiFileTransport”,1,3,)
2018-07-26 10:20:27.014 ERROR [15756] - Error on line 71 of monitor opencsv: IndexOutOfBoundsException - Out of bounds index passed to sequence operator - C:\Users\Raj Vasa\workspace102\opencsv\monitors\opencsv.mon
2018-07-26 10:20:27.014 ERROR [15756] - opencsv [6] Stack dump:
2018-07-26 10:20:27.014 ERROR [15756] - opencsv.onload() C:\Users\Raj Vasa\workspace102\opencsv\monitors\opencsv.mon:71
2018-07-26 10:20:27.014 ERROR [15756] - opencsv.::startupAction::() C:\Users\Raj Vasa\workspace102\opencsv\monitors\opencsv.mon:3
2018-07-26 10:20:27.019 INFO [9264] - Sender Apama Designer (0000029DD89DE9D0) (component ID 14767658753572405248/15489663561456680960) disconnected cleanly: Other party requested disconnection
2018-07-26 10:20:27.080 INFO [21612] - Sender iaf for opencsv(opencsv:FileAdapter1) (iaf -p 16903 FileAdapter1.xml) (0000029DD992AAA0) (component ID 6582530560709393414/6582249085732682758) connected from
2018-07-26 10:20:27.107 INFO [21612] - Receiver iaf for opencsv(opencsv:FileAdapter1) (iaf -p 16903 FileAdapter1.xml) (0000029DD8D4E450) (component ID 6582530560709393414/6583093510662814726) connected from
2018-07-26 10:20:27.107 INFO [21612] - Receiver iaf for opencsv(opencsv:FileAdapter1) (iaf -p 16903 FileAdapter1.xml) (0000029DD8D4E450) initially subscribed to [FILE]
2018-07-26 10:20:27.107 INFO [21612] - Blocking receiver iaf for opencsv(opencsv:FileAdapter1) (iaf -p 16903 FileAdapter1.xml) (0000029DD8D4E450) will be blocked after 10.000000 seconds or 10240 kb if slow
2018-07-26 10:20:27.468 INFO [21612] - Sender Apama Designer (0000029DD992CBA0) (component ID 14767658753572405248/15489669247994429440) connected from
2018-07-26 10:20:27.488 INFO [13572] - Sender Apama Designer (0000029DD992CBA0) (component ID 14767658753572405248/15489669247994429440) disconnected cleanly: Other party requested disconnection
2018-07-26 10:20:27.577 INFO [21612] - Sender ADBC DataService (0000029DD992CBA0) (component ID 14767658753572405248/15489669793455669248) connected from
2018-07-26 10:20:27.613 INFO [21612] - Receiver ADBC DataService (0000029DD9554590) (component ID 14767658753572405248/15489669793455669248) connected from
2018-07-26 10:20:27.613 INFO [21612] - Receiver ADBC DataService (0000029DD9554590) initially subscribed to
2018-07-26 10:20:27.613 INFO [21612] - Blocking receiver ADBC DataService (0000029DD9554590) will be blocked after 10.000000 seconds or 10240 kb if slow
2018-07-26 10:20:27.615 INFO [13572] - Receiver ADBC DataService (0000029DD9554590) unsubscribed from all channels
2018-07-26 10:20:27.616 INFO [9264] - Receiver ADBC DataService (0000029DD9554590) added subscriptions to []
2018-07-26 10:20:27.622 INFO [9264] - Receiver ADBC DataService (0000029DD9554590) added subscriptions to [com.apama.adbc.service]
2018-07-26 10:20:30.553 INFO [21640] - Correlator Status: sm=5 nctx=1 ls=19 rq=0 eq=0 iq=0 oq=0 icq=0 lcn=“” lcq=0 lct=0.0 rx=0 tx=0 rt=1 nc=3 vm=518656 pm=68160 runq=0 si=10.3 so=0.0 srn=“” srq=0 (no license file)
2018-07-26 10:20:35.552 INFO [21640] - Correlator Status: sm=5 nctx=1 ls=19 rq=0 eq=0 iq=0 oq=0 icq=0 lcn=“” lcq=0 lct=0.0 rx=1 tx=2 rt=2 nc=3 vm=521924 pm=71584 runq=0 si=8.8 so=0.0 srn=“” srq=0 (no license file)
2018-07-26 10:20:40.553 INFO [21640] - Correlator Status: sm=5 nctx=1 ls=19 rq=0 eq=0 iq=0 oq=0 icq=0 lcn=“” lcq=0 lct=0.0 rx=2 tx=4 rt=3 nc=3 vm=534384 pm=79024 runq=0 si=7.0 so=0.0 srn=“” srq=0 (no license file)
2018-07-26 10:20:45.552 INFO [21640] - Correlator Status: sm=5 nctx=1 ls=19 rq=0 eq=0 iq=0 oq=0 icq=0 lcn=“” lcq=0 lct=0.0 rx=3 tx=6 rt=4 nc=3 vm=538492 pm=80564 runq=0 si=9.8 so=0.0 srn=“” srq=0 (no license file)
2018-07-26 10:20:50.553 INFO [21640] - Correlator Status: sm=5 nctx=1 ls=19 rq=0 eq=0 iq=0 oq=0 icq=0 lcn=“” lcq=0 lct=0.0 rx=4 tx=8 rt=5 nc=3 vm=538776 pm=80620 runq=0 si=11.4 so=0.0 srn=“” srq=0 (no license file)
2018-07-26 10:20:54.257 ##### [20048] - Shutting down correlator in response to client ( request: Shutdown initiated by Software AG Designer (Raj Vasa)
2018-07-26 10:20:54.312 INFO [22076] - Sender iaf for opencsv(opencsv:FileAdapter1) (iaf -p 16903 FileAdapter1.xml) (0000029DD992AAA0) (component ID 6582530560709393414/6582249085732682758) disconnected uncleanly: Connection closed
2018-07-26 10:20:54.319 INFO [15268] - Shutting down Java virtual machine
2018-07-26 10:20:54.322 INFO [15268] - MessageSenderImpl.Shutdown() - Disconnecting remote receiver 6582530560709393414:6583093510662814726
2018-07-26 10:20:54.323 INFO [15268] - MessageSenderImpl.Shutdown() - Disconnecting remote receiver 14767658753572405248:15489669793455669248
2018-07-26 10:20:54.329 INFO [15268] - MessageSenderImpl.Shutdown() - Disconnecting remote receiver 15211357213279911936:15489664158457462784
2018-07-26 10:20:54.330 INFO [13572] - Sender ADBC DataService (0000029DD992CBA0) (component ID 14767658753572405248/15489669793455669248) disconnected cleanly: Other party requested disconnection
2018-07-26 10:20:54.333 INFO [15268] - MessageReceiverImpl.Shutdown() - Disconnecting remote sender 14767658753572405248:15489663277988773888
2018-07-26 10:20:54.334 INFO [13572] - Sender Dashboard Builder: Raj (0000029DD89E0EF0) (component ID 15211357213279911936/15489664158457462784) disconnected cleanly: Other party requested disconnection
2018-07-26 10:20:54.356 INFO [15268] - Correlator shutdown is complete
Hi Raj,
if you see the log entry in correlator log says the data sequence is empty.
The file line event defn is (when you mouse hover on “FileLine” you can check the event definition):
event com.apama.file.FileLine
integer requestId;
integer sessionId;
you need to assign proper data to sequence data field. Since data sequence is empty , it is giving you out of bound exception when you are trying to get the data value.