Have changed theTheme as per company requirements. like Topbar to darkblue and all Text to white.
As a result when I click to logout menu I cannot see the text in primary color it is all white. On hover i can see the text in Blue.
How can I make the text Dark blue or background color as Darkblue as per theme.
In developerTools
- Benutzereinstellungen
- Abmelden
How default setting of class dropdown-menu dropdown-menuright can be changed,
to see Benutzereinstellungen and Abmelmen in blue?This way looks the .css styling file.
:root {
–white: #fff;
–black: #000;
–blue: #1417d4;
–darkblue: #080a73;
–background: #263238;
–brand-complementary: darkgreen;
–brand-dark: white;
–brand-light: purple;
–gray-text: #333;
–link-color: var(–brand-primary);
–link-hover-color: var(–brand-complementary);
–body-background-color:rgba(57,72,82,.05);Thanks in advance.
Any Updates?
How to change background color of class: dropdown-menu dropdown-menuright (List logout and User Settings)