We are a group of students working on the “Big Data package” and have several error messages in task 3. We have followed all the instructions given in the task description step by step and we have tried for hours to solve these errors ,that sometimes seem unreasonable. That’s why we decided to write in this forum, can anyone help us to solve the following errors or can anyone explain what might have caused them ?
In the monitor file “Data View”: When the program is restarted, the program can not longer use the “DataView Service Bundle”.
Additional error message: “Illegal to use the member access operator (.) on an untyped expression”
“Read Trigger does not exist” although ReadTrigger was already defined.
There is an error on action updateItem(integer sidIn) apama calls an unexpected token updateItem. We have no clue how this error is caused, since we are defining a method updateItem at this point.
At the moment of defining spawn updateItem there was a warning, too. Later on without changing anything on the code the warning just disappeared.
Can you provide some more information? What version of Apama are you running?
For error 1 - it sounds like the DataView bundle is not part of the project but it also sounds like it worked previously and now it does not. You can verify that it is part of the project by looking in the Project Explorer view under the Bundles node.
Or perhaps it is an injection problem: in the menu bar, select Run>Runtime Configurations. Select the project. Click the Components tab, select the correlator, then click Edit. Check the injection order (the UI for this depends on what version of Apama you are using). Make sure that the DataView service files are being injected.
If this does not help, I can forward your info to an Apama SME who can help you. Please let me know the Apama version you are using. It would also help if you sent me a zipped version of the Apama Studio project: melissa.spurr@softwareag.com
Yes - I was able to find this last night. I was unable to reproduce the syntax error with the using statement.
Here is the response from the SME:
I opened up the attached project, there isn’t any syntax error anymore but the dataview table is empty, which means there isn’t any dataview instance added. Also, I noticed there is an error in the FileTransport.log:
2014-11-03 11:42:14.745 ERROR [52800] - RequestHandler: OpenFileForReading: RequestId = 2 generated Error: File does not exist: full-game
Your question about Task 4 is application-specific. I have sent a request for someone to help with it - but I have not heard back about that yet.
I mean the the unlicensed version in the download folder of the big data education package
We think the unlicensed version of APAMA could create this errors.
We can fix only the “using” or “can’t find” errors with creating a copy of the project. If we creae a copy of the actually project all errors disappear.
the new apama version doesn’t works to or has the same “using” errors as the apama version 5.1. But this isn’t our main problem at the moment.
We have one big mistake in our monitor class of a soccer player, the create and update method for our dataset, the following errors occur:
014-11-13 18: 32: 54,892 WARN [7420] - com.apama.dataview.DataViewService_Impl_Dict [10] [WARN] onload () on_all_DataViewAddDefinition () - “running dennis yolk soft” - DataView name already exists.
2014-11-13 18: 32: 54,892 CRIT [7420] - bdep.scenario.DennisDotterweich [11] Exception: DataView name already exists
2014-11-13 18: 32: 54,892 WARN [7420] - com.apama.dataview.DataViewService_Impl_Dict [13] [WARN] addDataViewItem () - “running dennis yolk soft” - DataView addItem ignored - the DataView uses the KeyFields feature and the new item clashes with an existing item. The values werewolf Supplied: [“16”, “10634829297957177”, “27624”, “- 5732”, “32”, “4”, “trot”]
2014-1 "
We do not know how to fix this errors.
Another problem waht we have is in our data streams, the self-created variables are not sent out or a connection can’t established.
One last question would be, how do we can start form a certain timestamp, so that we can start at timestamp xy and not with the first timestamp.
I will also look into the problem and try to reproduce the same errors mentioned by you. I will try to revert back as soon as I will get any solution detail regarding the problem.