Assign MO as child device using UI

I want to assign a device managed object as child device for a parent device using device management application. I’m able to do it using below API. But, how can we do it using device management app (or) any other apps?

“managedObject”: {
“id”: childDeviceId

Hi Vignesh,

that functionality is not exposed via the standard UIs as it is expected that either the device agent or the device protocol integration manage the association between parent and child device. You can extend the standard applications to provide the functionality using the API you are already using.

Best regards,


Depending on your use case, you could also look into the Digital Twin Manager: Introduction - Cumulocity documentation.

It’s not an Application to define child-devices (as Harald stated, that is conceptually done by the device agents). But it allows you to create assets, asset-hierarchies and assign Devices to these assets.